Abby Gitlitz

      Here are my thoughts of the moment 

Wild mad brainstorming



Thanksgiving day, somewhere in Mexico (ok, in an internet cafe in Chiapas, where, I have to admit, you all seem pretty unreal)

So I have been thinking about my film.  First thing I realized is that it is going to take about 40 times longer to do than I think it will.

Then there are all the questions.  I want the human element removed as much as possible from the film.  I do not want my hands or anyone elses in the film.  I also would love to get rid of any string or fishing wire or anything that implies these tools are not moving absolutely of their own accord. 

Here is the basic screen play.

-pan acccross the tools.

-stop on the drill.

-a bowl comes from nowhere and insinuates itself under the drill bit.

-flour starts to inch in from the left.

how do I make the flour inch its way up the bowl.  I can mound it to a certain extent, but then what?

-Butter slithers over to the bowl

ditto the butter, how do I get it up the bowl.  Hmmmm. Maybe a wire inside afixed to the drill press from behind?



-Turn the mixer on

-Turn mixer off

-bowl tips over and a ball falls out.

-gets cut in half by a saw?

-flattens out.  Beaten by a level? a hammer? HOW???

-Slithers into a waiting pie plate

-Pan over to the chop saw

-Apple one comes up

-cut into two

-half gets cut over and over.

-apple pieces start to move to the pie plate. 

-Fill it up

-Other pie dough moves to the jig saw

- Cut into a nice shape. 

-Move onto the pie plate. 

- Pliers crimp

-Cook how?

-Nuts and bolts on top.  I kinda dont want them because I want the inconguity of all natural in an industrial setting.

-Done and eat HOW?